Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Let's Build a House Gran

It's SMT time on Sassy Cheryl's Blog, and this week I decided to share my latest construction project. MM asked me last Friday if we could build a house out of cardboard. Well his idea and mine didn't quite match. He wanted a house big enough for him, and I wanted something small enough to manage. I won.

With my Make the Cut software, some chipboard, printed digital papers, this is the house that we built. MM's job was to glue the nail the board(glue the paper) to the the walls. We even used transparency to give the windows a real feel. The fun and easy part was the shingles. Notice the doorknobs. They're shank metal buttons.

Now here's the mess that was left after the construction project. Never fear, it's been cleaned up and at least two messes have been left since.

Finally I ended my week last week with a boat ride to an outdoor symphony. If you've never heard of the American Wind Symphony Orchestra, please click on the link. It's an amazing organization and the head of it and the conductor is a man by the name of Robert Boudreau. He's 85 years old, and he's been taking this floating symphony on the rivers of the world for 55 years. I went with my walking buddy and her DH. Since it was just across the river from our houses, we went by boat, which meant we got home a lot faster than if we'd had to contend with the automobile traffic.

This picture was made around 8 p.m. as the sun was making it's way down. My walking buddy said the concert got a lot better once the sun went down. It ended with a great medley of Patriotic music and fireworks. So for me it was an early 4th of July celebration.


  1. Well, I'm not sure what it would look like larger, but this one is FABULOUS! I wish my grandmother had done stuff like this with us. You are SOOOO creative and FUN, Mz. Shirley!
    Thanks for sharing this week. Love it.

  2. Well I cant see anything apart from all yr fab copic's just hovered on them many and so nicely organised...
    Sarah x

  3. shirley, love your house project, glad you decided on the more manageable size since you will have to store it :) You guys did a wonderful job and MM did a fabulous job of shingling that roof!!!

  4. You are AWESOME Shirley!! :) What fun for MM.
