Wednesday, July 3, 2013

End of Camp and On to the Shrimp Boil

It's time once again to show pictures of what you have going on in your world for the Sassy Cheryl Show Me Thursday Challenge. For some it's crafting and gorgeous cards. For others of us, it's moving from the end of camp onto the next project. At any rate, whatever it is, if you take the time to check out the posters, you'll get a delightful look at other worlds beside your own. Hey and you get a chance at a free SC image, so how can you lose.

Well MM and his Dad left on a plane Saturday afternoon from Birmingham headed home after what MM will remember as one of his best summers ever. He's going to be trying to talk his parents into letting him come for two months next summer. I'm all for it, because it won't be long before he'll think he's too old to come to MS for the summer, but then again, maybe not. At any rate, this picture is of our last kayak run on Saturday morning. You can't see his expression too well due to the shadows, but he's laughing, because he and Grandpa are "putting their backs into it" at the end of the run.

This weekend is the annual Swoope Shrimp Boil. Yesterday I went to Walmart and they had the 2.5 gallon plastic jugs with spouts on sale, so I picked up three to use for tea and lemonade. I had some fun with my Cameo and Vinyl creating labels for the jugs, so there won't be any questions asked.

Finally, I made the Comeback Sauce for the shrimp. It's a huge hit for dipping shrimp, chicken, fish, putting on sliced tomatoes, baked potatoes and it's even good on crackers. It's called Comeback Sauce, because you'll be coming back for more. I hope I have enough. This is 5 makings of the recipe. It's better if it sits a few days so all the ingredients can meld with each other.

Thanks for stopping by. You probably can guess what next week's SMT post is going to be.


  1. EVERY TIME I see these photos of you all in the kayaks, I get so anxious for my turn! I agree with MM. . .he should totally stay longer next year.
    I love the jugs for the shrimp boil. Those are perfect. . .and may I add, I also wish that I could dip my finger in that Comeback Sauce! Looks SOOOOOO delicious!
    Thanks for joining us in the Sassy Cheryl's Show Me Thursday fun!!

  2. Love the photo of MM and grandpa! He will certainly remember the wonderful carefree summers that he gets to spend with you both. I'm hoping that you will share your "Comeback Sauce" recipe with us sometime! It must be super yummy!
